This exhibition named, ‘The Body is a Vessel’ investigated the notion of the body as a receptacle of memory, emotion and experience.
in particular, my work focused on the ‘then and now’ and the more or less significant memories.
Amber-Leigh Young 2023- ‘Remember that time when’
This piece is a segment of the supposed more significant and less significant memories and moments captured in one's life.
From past and present times, I intended for the significance of old and new memories to be emphasised. Furthermore, to question whether are memories more significant in the present just because we're older and they're fresher and do some memories only become just as significant when we recall them again. The work has been simply placed in white frames to draw the viewers' attention to the work as a result of the contrast in the drawings that have been created. However, their attention is slightly drawn to the Polaroid photos placed behind.